who we are
The Daily Good Project is a community of people who have discovered that there is more to life than taking care of their own desires. A community of people who have grown concerned with the world in which we live and raise our children. Our world teaches people to worry about themselves and their own happiness even if it is at the expense of others. We can do better. This community of people have begun to ask themselves “is this what it's all about? Is there something more to life than working for a bigger house, nicer vehicles, fancier vacations, etc?” A community of people who stand up to say “I can no longer sit back and complain about the world we live in and not make an effort to change it.” A community of people that have come to understand a lot of people doing little things with a common goal can make a huge impact.
our mission
To build a community based in love and service to one another, taking special interest in our neighbors. A community seeing the benefit and blessing in being part of something bigger than themselves. A community which looks out for one another, loves one another, and realizes, despite our many differences, we have far more connecting us than separating us. A community who wants to, and knows they can, make a difference by simply working toward this common goal of doing good daily.
DONATE to the cause
Financial donations enable the funding of service projects and assistance that focus on empowering, strengthening, and restoring hope to our local community. In return, we will provide regular updates on people that have been impacted by your donation. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form here.